Daniel Parker
Exercise Physiologist

Daniel is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist. He graduated from Edith Cowan University in 2008 with a Master?s Degree in Exercise Science and the University of Western Sydney in 2007 with a Bachelor?s degree in Applied Science (Sport and Exercise Science). Daniel has been working as an Accredited Exercise Physiologist for the past 8 years and brings a lot of experience with a variety of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, mental health problems, cancer, arthritis, pulmonary disease and more. For more information about what an Accredited Exercise Physiologist is please see this website 


What is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist?

Accredited exercise physiologists (AEPs) hold a four-year university degree and are allied health professionals. An AEP specialises in graded exercise therapy and lifestyle interventions for persons at risk of developing, or with existing chronic and complex medical conditions and injuries. AEPs provide support for clients with conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, mental health problems, cancer, arthritis, pulmonary disease and more.